Sunday, July 23, 2006


Cooling down in Portland

It was HOT in Portland on Thursday... So we bagged the downtown tourist thing and spent the day at the pool with Karen, Jon and family.

Eli loved Blue!

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Portland: Crusin' with the Kruse's

Ellie and Sophie, our new Portland buddies!

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Space Needle!

Slingin' the fish at Pike's Place Market in Seattle

Like a Siren in the Night!

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More Seattle

Invaders in the back yard

More shows

Lisa, Charles and Sydney

What a view!

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Step 1: Plan the show (Charles lends a hand)

Step 2: Deliver the show (dancing with Sydney!)

Step 3: Give the audience what they want (in this case, there was a request to see a triple-nosepick-with-big-toe)

Step 4: Fame and Glory!

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Seattle: Making us feel right at home...

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